Wednesday 16 March 2011

                                           Me at water with people having great fun! yeahhhhhhh


                                               Getting smart before the trip? Me at back with malay guy. No glasses!


                                           Ready to go??
                                           People cheering,
                                           People stare,
                                           But it's not fun,
                                           I am not in there.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Bukit Tinggi


    This was our first destination! It was not very tinggi! Tinggi means tall in Malay. The place was also a golf resort,but we didn't play golf! THANK GOD!! :) All we did is group activity work. We did the capsule where we filled up water into a tube to reach a ball at the bottom of the capsule. Also, we did electro maze, where we just walk across on tiles but we must walk it in a type of pattern. After that we did, build UR bridge , where we had to make a bridge with 2 sticks! Then we had water crossing, where we had to get across a small river with 2 ropes hanging at the bottom and top of you. Finally we had RAFTING! Rafting we had to make our raft with 2 big plastic pillars and 4 pieces of rope! We made and it was really tight.. yeahhh. ANDDD weeeee tested it and it worked! YAY but when i sit on it the whole thing almost sinked... by the way i am just 33 Kg........

             We ended the day of activities with a large dinner. We had fun in the rooms we had to stay FOR 1 NIGHT!